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Ok, we get it. You are weird.
And you are funny, funky, lazy, smart, passionate.
You are a fool, lost a tool, and pretty cool.
We get the mood.

We get that it goes up, then down, goes around,
we control it and then we completly lose control.

You are in a good one, in a bad one.
You are happy, sad, mad, excited, inspired, tired, in love.
You are weird.

But you are. And is cool just to be.
And is even cooler to have a place to be.

That ideal little nook where your emotions find confort.
A base to keep your weirdness rolling.
Make no mistake, you really are weird.
But guess what, so are we, and so is everybody.
We are the same people needing that same
special place.
You choose your mood, we complement it.

mood: a place to simply be


Choose your mood

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